MONDAY night out with ayu, yunaa, & mawa. we went to bandar around 8.11pm and arrived gadong at 9.21pm. how fast is that? yes? so we went to "The Mall". we suppose to get eat at the secret recipie but then its late, the kitchen are already close and only cake are available. so, we change our mind to order and takeaway the cake. next destination, EAT. we all kinda starving. so we went eat at somewhere called TAMU SELERA. but hey! its fun and DELICIOUS. you should try it there. heheee :P so we eat kerang masak ki
cap, butter chicken, sayur taugih masak ikan masin, sayur campur masak sos tiram *i guess, udang tom yam, and what else? i cant remember. hahaa :P sorry i didnt have a chance to took their pictures. lapaar waah. yataah makan tarus. heheee :P i only took this before we eat. :)
before we EEEAAAAAT.
after we went to mall. we went out with durang wafy, afy, danny, danny's cousin, boboy, binu, and idk. we went to tamu selera again. eat moore seafood. what a luck hehh. :P its 12 am kami lepak, because they went bandar to pick up duraang danny bak from P2F audition. so yeah afy treat we all eat. after eat and all that we went back home around nearly 2am. durang afy lepak lagi at our place. so yeaah. :P