Friday, November 27, 2009

our Last Day Of School Baby. And Goodbye 2009.

Hello everyone, MYGOD! last day of school was totally FUN!
our class took accounting test first. then we all had fun till afternoon.

before barbeque

wednesday, sportday.

Took by: MJ.

after barbeque, keraziee head-bangging and before main carah duduk.

then, after main carah we went down join our senior play music chair.
well, im the 2nd one out from the music chair. massnis~
the end raymond from ND2 win.
next game, we suppose to main carah ice-jelly. apaaaan.
then it turns to photo-session. so yaeaah, no games anymore we decided to naik atas.
ngalih hantap and its almost 4. so yaaah.
before balik,
i saw APIP.
i thought ya balik taruus.
wait.. wait..

mahnnn! im gonna miss that ke-ke-keraazie guy. cause yesterday is his last day at school. after this, his going to attachment. take care abang apip. abaang? lol! meet you again sooon. if terjumpaa jua.

to EVERYONE! have a nice holiday.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day till Night.

hello my dear followers.
here.. Now, this morning our college were having a sportday for new intake july'09. totally crazy mahn.
games for instructors, games for us business department verses mechanical department verses ict department. hehh.
the sportday started from 8am until 11.30am. after that we went to class. before 12pm, we went to the canteen have some lunch. heh.
Oh yeah! Si apep tercari2 ku ngan ya. rupanya he went back belait. entah bhapa. jumpa gf kali. Lol!
they said patang ada orentation. Yang first person tau sal that, they totally been punk'd. afternoon activity biasa kaliah. Like usual eca activity.
the senior ND & PND main carah. mcam2 carah ku liat dari atas. manis~
then tonight, I were out with pateen buy some ayam for barbeque tomorrow. its a last preparation. talor! Plus bbq stand entah siapa membawa. Lol.
After jalan with pateen. i went out again with mawa, yunna & danel to wywy. well, i saw this guy yang diluar he looks like R. his brother kali. lagipun kata dnel pun macam ya. *sigh.
meet my ex-classmate. si sweet, He is totally sweet with his smile. err.. who else? era, apis's sisteer. i almost forgot her. lagging lagitu meembalas lambainya. with her schoolmates. ada prom or graduation maybe. entahlah. okay si danial loh, i say hi. dont know why. and before we went back meet si berry. totally banyak cina riuh-piuh disanaa. hehee. so, Now here i am at home kekanyangan. Melimpang sudah ni. i havent learn my accounting for tomorrow. mudah-mudahan jua ku dapat credit. Amiiinn~


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

hello there.
this morning everyone were busy doing their L&C and some doing there accounting or most.
everyone stress doing that freaking accounting. fatin are totally make herself happy so she could throw away her nerves for her speech this afternoon. okay.
i went out lunch at my college canteen with amal, pateen & D. after eating stuff we went lepak skajap dapan automotive class or near the toilet. faten take her speech paper then we heading to the college hall. Its still early so paten practicing her speech. ohh did i mention si apep ada. yah, he ada sitting beside me. Si sepol pun adaa. hahaa.
Speech.. err.. much words. Blablablablaa. Menguap sajaaku Meliat ulah2 speech durg. Play with durg bangau, ayam, itik. si apep texted me. gagaga. i wonder dimana ya dapat my num. hmm..
Okaay then.
Im so tired. tomorrow everyone have to wear ECA uniform, sportday At college. afternoon another activity. Orentation i guess. well okay then.
i will post the new story about tomorrow. if im not tired After the activity. bye. muaaah


Monday, November 23, 2009

Speechless ruins.

update! update! update!.
you know, busy with college stuff.
before this im busy with my dance performance, accounting's work, and friends.
dancing is over mark as [X]
accounting's work not yet done, Thursday is accounting test.
and friends..
how can i explain about it. everything mess up. i dont care if she's busy with her school work. but about that.. i cant even speak.
you know i'm into him before and still, but you keep on texting, chatting with him. i hope you get what i mean. im not hating you, I just want you to understand me. not just me To understand you want you want, ask me to do this and that. No! Not just you who stress, If i said im stress too what could you do, says behind my back to someone. Fucking no!
And dont just be a childish. You're in college now, be yourself, get matured, dont ruin your life.
i cant speak to you like this right?
I guess its better for me to write on the blog. hope you will read it.
And wish you could know who's the person i saying about.

Thanks for reading. ;)

xo's- JH.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


hello good morning my blogreaders.
im sick. my leher sakit. i can't even makan. but i have to, isikan parutt atuu.
i was school yesterday morning and i felt verrrry weak i sleep in every class. thanks god the instructor understand me. thanks miss and madam. :)
in the afternoon, i want to hospital at dr. T. Thomas. laike, kaling mama suruh ku jumpa ani. cuatah si azua kah, ani kaling. malas ku liat muka doctor atu. freak me out mahn!
so, the doctor said, why? than i said i have a soretrout, cough. so so he check my temperature and he said i have a fever. like, perasaanku nada jua badan ku panas. maaanis~
okay okaay. so he gave me 2 day MC.
and yeah. thats all. bye! ;)