Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day till Night.

hello my dear followers.
here.. Now, this morning our college were having a sportday for new intake july'09. totally crazy mahn.
games for instructors, games for us business department verses mechanical department verses ict department. hehh.
the sportday started from 8am until 11.30am. after that we went to class. before 12pm, we went to the canteen have some lunch. heh.
Oh yeah! Si apep tercari2 ku ngan ya. rupanya he went back belait. entah bhapa. jumpa gf kali. Lol!
they said patang ada orentation. Yang first person tau sal that, they totally been punk'd. afternoon activity biasa kaliah. Like usual eca activity.
the senior ND & PND main carah. mcam2 carah ku liat dari atas. manis~
then tonight, I were out with pateen buy some ayam for barbeque tomorrow. its a last preparation. talor! Plus bbq stand entah siapa membawa. Lol.
After jalan with pateen. i went out again with mawa, yunna & danel to wywy. well, i saw this guy yang diluar he looks like R. his brother kali. lagipun kata dnel pun macam ya. *sigh.
meet my ex-classmate. si sweet, He is totally sweet with his smile. err.. who else? era, apis's sisteer. i almost forgot her. lagging lagitu meembalas lambainya. with her schoolmates. ada prom or graduation maybe. entahlah. okay si danial loh, i say hi. dont know why. and before we went back meet si berry. totally banyak cina riuh-piuh disanaa. hehee. so, Now here i am at home kekanyangan. Melimpang sudah ni. i havent learn my accounting for tomorrow. mudah-mudahan jua ku dapat credit. Amiiinn~


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