Saturday, November 15, 2008

hair saloon. (=

<äcenter> yesterday, we (ayu, yunna &me) went to halen saloon. ayu cut her frinch. yunna cut long. and me...

ciecie: you want to cut ur hair too?

me: urmmm... no.

ciecie: sure?

me: *(i just look at yunna)

yunna: gunting saja.

me: gunting cemana?

ciecie: you want cut long or good-looking?

me: antaah. :D

yunna: good-look. si ciecie pandai tu nganu rambutmu.

me: bah.

ciecie: you want too short or short abit to cover ur neck?

me: hehee. ask my sister.

ciecie: ask ur sister? if i ask her to cut like my hair &she say yes. how?

me: ehh! dont. too short to the max. hehee. okay laah. just cut it short


so my hair DO look soo short. hehee =). will post my new ìhair soon. :D. byee.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

AMER, cube!

AMEER! kaka beli cube udaaah. tomorrow ajar kaka okay adik. hehee (=

Saturday, November 8, 2008

try to remember (=

1 > everybody doesn't have to love me.

-not eveybody has to love or even like me. i don't necessarily like everybody i know, so why should everybody else like me? i enjoy being liked a being loved, but if somebody doesn't like me, i will still be okay. and still feel like i am an okay person. i cannot make someone like me, more than someone can get me to like them. i don't need approval all the time. if someone does not approve me, i will still okay.

2. > its okay to make mistakes.

-making mistake is something we all do, and i am still a fine worth while person when i make them. There is no reason for me to get upset when i make a mistake. i am trying, and if it make a mistakes. I am going to continue try i can handle in myself and also mistakes that others make.

3. > i am responsible for my day.

- i am responsible for how i feel and what i do, nobody can make me feel anything. If i have a rotten day. i am the one who allowed it to be that way, if i had a great day. I am the one who deserves credit for being positive. It is not a responsibility of other people to change so that i can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of myself.
<äcenter>p/s: dont try to control me. if you don't know me.
don't try to say something bad to me. see it yourself &you'll know it, basstardd!.

4. > i can handle when things go wrong.
- i don't need to watch out for things to go wrong. Things usually go just find, and when they don't. I can handle it. I don't have to waste my energy working or call my friend to help. I can solve myself. The sky won't fall in, things will be okay.

saggitarius horoscopes (=.

slow down a bit and try not to take anything valuable out of your pocket or purse without immediately replacing it. your absent-mindedness is peaking and you might leave things anywhere!
In Detail
your good memory is going to come in quite handy tody, especially if you run into a blast from the past. As soon as you see them, let your mind go back in time to when you last saw them. In seconds, you are likely to know exactly what subject to bring up and whe. they'll be tickled pink and totally flattered that you remembered them. you are about to embark upon a lovely walk down memory lane -- and it could lead to a much more lucative future.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

go out with paik, odeng, abong &danel. (:

lastnight i go out with durang odeng, danel, abong &paik as the driver. before that paik text me "udah ko photocopy sijil2 mu?" then i said "alum. why" "ko mau awal ani. krg kami keseria ni tngu odeng gi" paik said. then at 6.58pm, paik di bawah rumah daah. hehh. yg taluurnya si odeng ckp "tani keseria ni jaah. boss mu okay?" "okay plg. tpi ya na tau yg tani ke seria ni" i said. so, ontheway from kb to seria, paik keep kelaie with abong. pastu bebaik pastu kelaie gi. hehee. :b. sampai diseria. paik cari parking. pusing-pusing. skatinya gi tu jln. awuu, brunei juaa paik. then we all walked from the parking to seria plaza. then paik, odeng &danel seprate. they went to fishing shop. &abong company me to photocopy my certificate. after photocoping and stuff we went up and meet durang paik. "sinilaah tempat beli pancing" paik said. &i smile. kinda boreng actually so, me, abong & danel get out from there. lepak2 diluar. boreng muchh! then TERjumpa durang ajeen &his two friends. then kami turunn kebawaah. si dnel majal si abong aah. he tried to buy his stuff tpi nada bajual. so me & dnel buy buah sajaa. daripada memalui jlan2. baiktaah mkn buah sambil menunggu durg odeng &paik. about 30minutes,si odeng panggil us. &we follow durang paik buy some dvds. they meet a few friends there. after that, we went back kb &paik bring us to soon lee. he needs to buy his things for work.
abong &danel seprate with us again. me, odeng &paik masuk soon lee. bekelaie gi with odeng. ntaah kan odeng tuu. si paik suruh ambil trolly & si odeng ambil bucket plg. hahaaa. mana nda si paik mental. menunggu si odeng. me &paik discuss sal mee goreng sekutak. hehe :D. weird huh!. awuuu abong &denel batah. jdi ekong durg paik sajaa ni. heheee :). di casher counter gi, sorang2 gi na tau apa yg di ampai dulu. hehh. lelaki jua waah di antam nya saja. finally, balik juaaa.. Hehh. thanks paik for bringing me jlan2. ada papa messege sajaa ejaa. okay? ;). bye blogreader.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

totally boreed today.

*sigh* so bored today. yunna in kuching. tonight im planning to bring durg paik, odeng go out but i don't weather they wanted or not. liatlaah krg. hope they'all mau bjln tonight. boreng waah all day dirumah sajaa. heh. ;).