ciecie: you want to cut ur hair too?
me: urmmm... no.
ciecie: sure?
me: *(i just look at yunna)
yunna: gunting saja.
me: gunting cemana?
ciecie: you want cut long or good-looking?
me: antaah. :D
yunna: good-look. si ciecie pandai tu nganu rambutmu.
me: bah.
ciecie: you want too short or short abit to cover ur neck?
me: hehee. ask my sister.
ciecie: ask ur sister? if i ask her to cut like my hair &she say yes. how?
me: ehh! dont. too short to the max. hehee. okay laah. just cut it short
so my hair DO look soo short. hehee =). will post my new ìhair soon. :D. byee.