Saturday, June 13, 2009


hokey my blogreaders.
imma kinda busy with some kind of stuffy.

but hey, wish me luck. hope i get accepted for school again. tho im on the waiting list. maybe 2 or 3 people can out. hahaa. so mean. i know--

a words for him,
"i want you like before, but since you moved here to there. it seems like you've change. alots! i dont know what. but you've change. i want you back. please. i miss you." --

why everythings have to change? why a yes turns to no? why happy turns to sad?
does it have to be untrue? why that guy dont understant the girl? and why green turns into red?
the answer is. everything around have change.
i want the pills that wake me up all the time. everyhour. or Not, i want to backward and fix everything to remind me till i die.
and all i want right now is school. i want to æcome back to sæchool just like the regular kids. not like high-Quality kids. just normal.


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