Monday, June 9, 2008

yesterday, i went to bndar with my family&usu. except my dad. he didn't follow. he got familyday vespa convoi thingy. idk. at the hospital belait. anyway, we went to textile feroz, bli kain for ka asmah wedding. i want black&white. i can't find the prefect one. i did find one or two. but im not sure with the meterial. then we when to nazmi di bunut. the 'kain' disana not really nice anymore. plus, it cant find the black&white. so i go out for that textile with dnel, which is my brother. &we when to cd shop. nada ceta baru. then we when back nazmi. "nada pun mama", i told dnel. *tirit-tirit* '1message received'.
"mama diatas arah kadai butik. gitau dnel tu", my mom text me. so, we when up. then we when down. HAHA :D. apaan.. lapar waah. so we go &find place to eat.
"arah nasi katok mama sja mkn" i said to them. i eat nasi katok &a large milo ping. :D we went to the mall. we went to nazmi mall. i did find that black&white. but its tooo expensive. so we went to fo kom(whatever the name is). ugghh, more piss off. againn, no kain black&white. shit man!. im so not in the mood that time. so im out. ego, i wanna find some galang for the wedding soon. HAH :p. im so confuse. which one kan? haha. i don't know which one are match with my kain. so i think its better cari those galang with nina. she know's more about this.
than i said to mom,
"kain yang arah feroz sja".
so we when back to feroz di bunut. and FINALLY, i get my black&white shirt.
perfect!. HAHAA. :p

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