Friday, July 17, 2009

first day school! (:

hello my loooveblogreaders!
yesterday is my firstday of schoool. i went to the admin to regstration.
i meet alots of new friends.
im so lucky get into that class.
in class, theres 3boys only, and 13girls. everyone were sooo nice,funny and friendly.
we havent started my study yet. but yesterday morning, MISS NURUL SAFURA told us to write about ourself and a family background. so we wrote.
well, in the afternoon we get no class from 2pm - 3.30pm. no teacher in. so we(amal, umi, feea, me, fyra, ruzaini, muis, ajis) getteraround. we all talk about bad things. hahaha. si UMI tuu started the topic. timunlaah, sausage laah, vibration laah, maiyonise laah. hahaa Youknow? Every of us laugh. si RUZAINI and AJIS laaayaan. si MUIS, coooool saja is. hahaaa. merah muka ketawa mendangar ceta duraang ah. pacah-pacah.
as so that, MISS NURUL SAFURA inn. she gave back our paper that we write tadi pagi. she want everyone of us doing a presantation to introduce our partner.
so everything is (Y) goood.

yesterday morning i didnt saw si SHAF and ADEK. SHAF ada tapi i didnt know which one is he. ADEK di workshop nada kuar. i meet my sister's friend i dont know siapa namanya. si ASYURA(adi razif) and the other ASYURA(adi wafy). who eh?
well i guess i should go now. be telling you my second day of school on saturday okay. bye! muaaah.


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